Friday, March 23, 2007

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good

Was in one of the Unimas buses the other day and heard Ella's new song I think, playing on HotFM. Went home, did a quick download and now I'm hooked on it. It's basically a cover of two songs - Jujur and Takkan Melupakanmu - first performed by Indonesian rock group Radja. I've heard the original Radja versions before, but still prefer the new version by Ella. The slow jamming just did it for me. And the lyrics too. Yeah. Listen to the lyrics of 'Jujur' to see what I mean.

The Bad

Han Chou's bike broke down. Again. With me riding pillion. In rain about four kilometers from home at the new campus near FSKPM. Must have been one of the worst English lessons ever. Anyways, this nice guy stopped by to help us, but unfortunately there was nothing he could do. Blown coil he told us. Or something like that. But at least a couple of girls stopped by to look at our bike. I think they were TESL-ians...both of em look familiar. And that got me thinking. If they weren't home, was Esther nearby? And if she was, could she give us a ride?

Unfortunately not. Her jeep wasn't there and we took the bus. God bless the person who invented raincoats.

The Ugly

In the Star today:

More male NS trainees in programme next year

KUALA LUMPUR: The participation ratio of trainees in the National Service (NS) programme will be 60% male and 40% female from next year.

At present, the intake is almost equally divided between the two genders.

Any 'righteous' woman wanna step up and fight this 'discrimination'? After all, they argue that women and men should be equal. That whatever men can do, women can too. So why not retain the (soon not to be) status quo of 50/50 in NS? To have less female trainees...isn't that tantamount to looking down on the abilities of women?

Sarcasm aside, I've been hearing ridiculous suggestions for NS to be made exclusively male only. Talk about discrimination - on men. Because some idiot rapist trainers decide they aren't satisfied with wanking and want some real flesh, folks are now saying that women shouldn't be in NS at all. Why? To shield them from these sex-hungry, evil predators, they say. Right.

So if some homosexual trainer decides to molest male trainees, do we stop NS for males as well? I'll throw you another analogy: some priests molest kids. Do we enact a law barring kids from churches? Heck, what we're seeing here is yet another typical band-aid solution being proposed for a much bigger problem: perverted trainers. The solution shouldn't be reducing or pulling girls out of NS. That's like the usual blame-the-woman-for-rape-nonsense. But I guess you won't see any womens' rights activists going against this decision anytime soon. After all, any solution that favors women is always the right solution to them.

Add that silly idea of male majority (or male only NS) to the other silly idea of making NS a year long affair and you see how much guys lose out. One whole year of their lives wasted in a ya-ya summer camp while their female counterparts can go to college or F6 and finish their pre-U foundations first. Obscene.

And add that to the administration's bloody silly version of a National Service and what we have is yet another half baked national policy that affects the people. Not the first one from the govt, but I guess the cronies up there need fuel for their extravagant lifestyles...

So I'm gonna repeat my question again: any 'righteous' women out there wanna stand up for gender equality now? Real gender equality? No?


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Please MTV...

...or anyone or anything. Pimp my life.