Sunday, March 09, 2008

Mood of the Day: Contented


Thank you, my fellow Malaysians for daring to stand up and make a change. We have shown each other that there is hope after all.

Friday, March 07, 2008

No Election Plea Here, Just a Simple Thought

In less than 24 hours, I will be lining up at SK All Saints to cast my vote. No doubt others will be there too, having already made their decision to give a cross for the scales or the rocket or the moon. The events leading up to election day have been intense. The poster war in Taiping seems to have reached its climax. Even the poor tree opposite my humble 2 storey terrace house has fallen victim to poster-campaigning. It's all interesting to look at, really, but at the end of the day, when you make a decision, it's all on facts isn't it? No amount of posters or giant weighing scale replicas are going to sway your mind if you know the issues. No amount of cloaked and veiled threats should tamper with your resolve to do what's right. If you care about mending our fractured and polarized society, reducing corruption, having an independent judiciary, and other national issues plaguing this nation more than having your MP get the bandaraya to clean the longkangs, then you know what to do.

The BN has come out and threatened the Chinese community with reduced representation if you don't vote for their UMNO lapdogs. They have threatened to take action against university students like me if I ever sympathize with the opposition. And yet I write this, undeterred, undaunted; for my conscience knows that even if my community will be 'represented' if the MCA wins enough seats, or my 'privilege' of a university education upheld if I choose to remain ignorant to the ills of the country, I will still be unwilling to vote for the BN. No, I will not allow my right to a fair representation and education be held to ransom. Not by anyone, and especially not by the BN.

And that's why I've made my decision. What about you?