Saturday, June 14, 2008

Circumzenithal Arcs

"The circumzenithal arc or cicumzenith arc (CZA), also called the Bravais' arc, is an optical phenomenon similar in appearance to a rainbow and arising from refraction of sunlight through non-terminated, horizontally-oriented ice crystals in certain clouds. It takes the shape of one-quarter of a circle centered at the zenith and parallel to the horizon, on the same side as the sun. Its colors run from blue near the zenith to red towards the horizon; it is one of the brightest and most colorful halos."

- Wikipedia: Circumzenithal Arc

Some CZA shots taken from the front yard, before and after PP. The 'after' shots were autolevelled, autocontrasted and autocolored to bring out the CZA more clearly...and somewhat more eerily too if you ask me.

Shot #1: Before

Shot #1: After

Shot #2: Before

Shot #2: After

Shot #3: Before

Shot #3: After

Conclusion: There are more things than you can imagine in the sky if you'd just bother to look up - in my case, accidentally.



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